Most of what you have been told above is good, but it is very very incomplete. If you were located in the US I could direct you to a trained muzzleloading instructor from the NMLRA. I train such instructors and shooters as well. I don't know if there is a parallel organization in the UK. If there is, contact them. If not I suggest two courses of action. First contact the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association (we do shotguns too)at and request the Student handbook for Muzzleloading. I think they will send it for a nominal fee. If not contact me again and I will get one to you. Then find an experienced shooter in your vicinity to go with you to the range. (Many "experienced" shooters are self taught which means they are still learning the hard way so give greater weight to the handbook's instructions than the shooter where they vary.) After you learn the safest ways if you want to deviate,as many do, that is at your risk.

I know you are probably pretty anxious to start so the best I can do quickly is send you a couple copied pages to assist. Contact me at so I can email the pages for you. Then if you have questions email them to me and I will help you along.

Last edited by Jerry V Lape; 09/24/10 12:19 PM.