I might just take you up on your offer one day. Right now I’m just trying to financially keep my head above water while I market an oil prospect I’ve developed. I expected to sell the prospect by now, but apparently the wildcatter of old has been replaced by the modern day reincarnated insurance actuary, a scared little fellow who’s apparently forgotten that the opposite of “risk” is “reward”. Today everyone’s focused on the risk side. The odd part is my oil prospect is an oil field extension, a very simple idea using 21st century drilling technology to make formerly uneconomic areas of a large field economic, but since it’s (gasp!) unconventional I’ve been having a hard time selling it. However, when I do I should become very well off very quickly! Oh well for now, cest la vie!
PS it’ll cost about $2 million to test my idea, if you know of any South American investors who still have their balls intact and would like to net about $400 million let me know.

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)