Originally Posted By: SKB
"Can anyone post some examples of a good "eye popping" 16b English SLE in this price range? I'd appreciate it if you could."

That is the issue, real good 12 bores are in the 12K+ range, small bores command a premium. I know this gun, figure this as a starting price point for a good quality small bore SLE


it is at schwandt arms

Thanks Steve for the post. I've looked at this one before. Good maker and I'm sure a good gun. I'm going to play devils advocate here...so please Steve this is no reflection on you or your post, so forgive me if I use your post as an example.

Anyway, here is a gun that is going for close to 11k what I see is a gun that needs a face lift. The bbls are dinged up (marks and scratches) the wood has numerous handling marks and dings and it looks like the wood should be refinished. Also for the purest the bbls have an importers mark on the bbls. True this gun does not have sleeved bbls and the screws are fine. What I see is a well used gun, not abused, but not well taken care of either. I'm not against sleeved bbls at all, if the job is done right. Sleeving to me gives a gun a new lease on life. This is just my opinion.

It seems at times that when someone posts a gun here (and not just me) someone has to tear it apart. Sometimes it's justified and problems are pointed out, great, a second set of eyes is good. Sometimes we are blinded and we need someone to bring us back to the real world. But there are times when a gun is in good working order and is in fine shape, someone has to rip it apart. I'd bet that if someone posted they just got a Purdey right from the shop, someone would find fault with it.

There is a lot of good info on this forum and lots of folks with knoweldge that would knock your socks off. But there are others who just can't say a good thing about anything.

Again, just my thoughts.

All th best!


Gregory J. Westberg