That's pretty funny, Cartod.

With apologies to Destry for jumping his thread;

Anyone ever out there hauling a duck boat, setting a spread, brushing a blind or boat, painting a boat, painting the blocks or re-painting them as the case may be, putting fresh anchor lies on them, casting new lead wrap around weights for those good vintage cast iron ones lost to the muck the previous season, being sure the dog is in good shape and that he has had breakfast while you are trying to make yer own & the coffee and remembering to fill the thermos and get moving, but forgetting which pairs of wadders still leaked at 3AM, &c is guaranteed to be doing plenty of work, but it beats the heck out of flying a desk & most day jobs for sure.

I think of a guy that I once hunted with who had arguably the world's best decoy retriever; his dog had not a clue what a real duck was, but it could retrieve multiple decoys w/o so much as a command and tangle five or six lines doing it most every time too and it worked him as hard as any duckhunter I have ever seen;-)I can tell ya, its pretty tough to keep a straight face when someone is working that hard.