Originally Posted By: Birdog

Check the references on Birddogs paper, they start with the UN and and IPCC, the latter is the one that was exposed for commiting scientific fraud in regard to their global warming theorys. Remember the old Nazi axiom, tell a big lie long enough and people will come to believe it's the truth.

Originally Posted By: RHD45
The melting of the glaciers may be normal but it going to put a big hurt on anything that depended on the glaciers for water. Probably didn't mean squat when the human population numbered in the 10's of millions but will be a major factor now that we number in the billions,especially in asia.

Where Kansas is today was once an ocean with all kinds of sea life. When that ocean dried up it put a big hurt on what depended on that water too. Maybe the dinosaur burps caused the changes? We are just along for the ride on an ever changing planet.
