Hey twice barrel:

The problem with putting PTFE in your oil, as explained to us by several industry experts, is that PTFE is a solid.

Like I said, if you bothered to read it, you would have caught a few things. If you had been paying attention the last decade or so, you would have seen the red flags put up all over the place (not just in motor oil) about the failure of those claiming benefit with PTFE in lubrication applications to put forth any documentation of their claims.

It hasn't been done to this day-zip, nada, zero.

I can't help your stupidity (as you put it) but, if you need a quest to prove otherwise, show some evidence that PTFE ever helped anything but a frying pan.
Good luck in that quest, by the way-Dupont couldn't even do it. And thay actually have something to gain by proving it.

P.T. Barnum was right. Again.
