
You posted a small picture of the action flat markings. There is a mark above the *AH. Can you provide a clearer picture of that mark? It does not seem to conform to a proof house mark. I am guessing it may be a maker's mark.

On the action flat, there is that mark, then *AH which is the controller's mark pre-1924, the perron which indicates inspection of the breech, the lion over the PV which indicates nitro proof in use 1898-1968.

On the barrel flats left side top down. Barrel weight, 1.169 Kg (this was used to verify that tampering has not been done since the barrels passed proof) 2.57 lbs. This started in 1892, after 1924 fractional weights (eg 1.169.1) were no longer used. X or alpha , date stamp 1945 or 1948. * over U, controller Hubert Charlier, employed 1923-1953. Lion over PV, nitro proof, 1898-1968. Crown over ELG with star at bottom, acceptance of proof at Liège, 1893-1968. The last mark is the Gauge and Chamber length, 1924-current.

So there is no doubt in my mind, based on the proof marks the barrels have a latter date than the action. The original barrels were either damaged, liberated or simply lost after the war.
