The "Beast" has been gone from my presence since The Vintage Cup. I was led down the primrose path by other sporting clays shooters and their long heavy guns. I've shot my 8 pound 9 ounce Super-Fox for over forty-six years, but my 9 pound half ounce Fox-Sterlingworth Wildfowl has only been in the field once where in my opinion was it handled like a railroad tie. For eleven years I shot a Remington 3200 tube set at skeet which weighed over 9 pounds. Some guns got it and some don't!! For me that heavy RBL-12 wasn't it. Once it was moving one way I couldn't make any corrections when the wind interfered. I should have gone with my own experience that for the last decade, my best shooting is with guns in the seven pound range -- from my smallbore Superposed New Model Skeets, to my Fox-Sterlingworth Ejector Skeet & Upland Game Gun, to my Superposed 32-inch Broadway.

I took measurements of my RBL receivers back when I first got the "Beast", but I haven't found that sheet of paper yet. The measurement across the breechballs of my RBL-16 and this new RBL-12 is 2 5/32 inch. You can see the "Beast" had a little nub between the breechballs that the smaller frame doesn't.