In 1998 I bought his book "Parker Gun, The Old Reliable", read it thoroughly and wrote to him through the address (his farm in Ill) printed on the back flap of the dust jacket thanking him for the knowledge I gained from his research. He replied right away and suggested that if I liked Parker guns so much I should join the PGCA. I joined that afternoon and have never been sorry. Ed and I have had several discussions since then, both in person as well as electronically and I am continuously amazed by his knowledge and most of all, his eagerness to share his knowledge with anyone who expresses an interest.
He certainly will be missed but his words will stay with us for years and years to come. For those who may not have known Ed or read his words here and on other forums, he often signed off with an oft repeated phrase which today rings only too true....
"Further EDM sayeth naught."

Rest in peace Ed.


Last edited by DAM16SXS; 12/22/10 06:10 PM.