Unfortunately, I have never owned any DST pieces except for the complete units I got from Steve Durren, Whitey, and directly from Ben Rice. I wish I had known to order a bunch of stuff from Ben before his passing. frown

I am trying to put together a couple of SST units and have all the parts for one (including the fly for the hammer) and everything except maybe the little T-shaped auxiliary sear and the heavy knock off spring for a second one. I'm basically trying to keep enough parts to finish projects and maintain the ones I actually compete with, but beyond that, like Whitey, I have finished up a few of my projects and am sort of winding down on parts acquisitions for the 'walls these days as my time and resources are devoted more and more toward North-South Skirmish activities.

I may have a spare hammer, but it is for a flat spring if I do have one, and probably should be slit and drilled for a fly to use with that complete SST set-up I have. It would be a nice addition to to my engraved low-wall with Green Mtn bbl, don't you think?

Well, it must be getting late, 'cause I'm rambling. I'll be in touch after the first of the year (ie. this weekend! grin )

Happy New Year to all!

It ain't easy being green!