Schlie Ben Sie in der Tat, aber berich tigen, Herr Apex-- translated from Deutsch this means: Close indeed, but not right, Mr. Apex-- You are correct with the first three words-- but your reading of Lauf Stuhl translates as "Run chair"- not quite kosher I might add- you may have mis-read the stampings, Rifle Steel auf Deutsch ist- FaBstahl--

If you are interested in European languages, Chris- as I am,. you might see the similarity between the German word for steel- Stahl- and the Russian term for the now deceased "Uncle Joe- Mar 1953 if memory serves here- Stalin means "Man of steel" in Russki! Da!!

I have two good friends from Germany who now live in WI- and are avid German and Austrian gun collectors- if you need further assistance--

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 01/08/11 11:35 PM.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..