The .22 is rifled.
I did a chamber cast of both. The shotshell case dia. is .399 and the lenght is approx. 1.5 " . The bore dia. is .336.
I was told that it was chambered for a .38 shot but that case is a little too small in dia.. It chambers and seats ok, just a little loose. It should fire. I am thinking of gettin some CCI shotshells loads and trying them but I want to be careful with the pressure. I have no idea of what a 9mm shotshell generates so until I get an idea I will hold off.
I do hope to find some 9mmm or someone who can suggest or help make some up. Probaly just wishful thinking on but my part but worth the try.
All in alll it is a pretty neat old firearm and is in good shape.