Sorry Chuck - I was talking about this on a couple threads here and elsewhere and forgot you may not have seen that conversation.

After being sorely tempted by several Italian sirens (Poli and SIACE Superlight), I ended up going with the hometown girl - an RBL28. I have an RBL20 and that gun really works for me. Plus it keeps my money stateside, and if I have any problems, it is a 1.5 hr. drive to New Britain CT as opposed to having to send a gun back to Italy for who knows how long.

CSMC is willing to negotiate on their remaining RBLs, and I was able to find one in the right configuration - DT, SG, SFE. I also decided to get two barrels (28" SK/LM and 30" LM/IM), and treated myself to some upgraded wood at a price I couldn't resist. CSMC threw in some add-ons for an attractive price - horn butt plate and leather 2-barrel case. I spent a little more than I intended but got more than I expected, so I think it worked out well. I know 2-barrel sets don't always do well on resale, but this will let me shoot pretty everything I would want to shoot with a 28 without needing adj chokes and hopefully one of my boys will look forward to having it some day.

Thanks for all your help with the "hunt."

Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there.