This is the system I worked out for myself. I've shared it over the last few years, but havenot yet put it into published print.

Dig and similar guys handle enough guns and see enough commerce to develop an intuitive knowledge of "whazit worth?" Those of us who are mere mortals need a "jump start" value guide to get into the ball park on values.

Brand Value must, I say, must be separated from the issue of quality. Trying to associate quality with a name is a dead end. BV1 Makers’ Names – Price Factor = 8

Boss, Holland & Holland, Purdey, and Woodward

BV2 Makers’ Names – Price Factor = 6

Westley Ricahrds, Dickson, Rigby, Grant , Beesley, Powell, Atkin, Churchill, Henry, Lancaster, Evans, Watson, Wilks, Greener, Boswell, Gibbs, and Lang

BV3 Makers’ Names – Price Factor = 4

Rest of the British Trade and top Continental (Bury, LeBeau, Masquelier, Francotte, Brancquart, Le Page, Gastine Renatte, etc.)

BV4 Makers’ Names – Price Factor = 2

Lesser known Continental names or names largely associated with low OQ grades

BV5 Makers’ Names – Price Factor = 1

Unknown names or unnamed

Post back if you wish to discuss further. Hope this helps some.