I am 28, I guess I might be the closest? It's a little disturbing actually. Who is going to fight for the sport we all love when you fellars get over the big hill? I regularly promote shooting of any kind to younger people and have a 4 year old who is interested, best part she's a she! All 3 of my children will hopefully have interest.

As a side note for the "lurking" I try to keep quiet when I don't know what I'm talking about. I watch this particular part of the forum because I have always had a classic sporter on the back burner for a project. I may try a build myself and use a Krag, or possibly a K98. I have always loved the lines of the Mannlicher rifles, and have coveted one for some time. So maybe my first "sporter" will be a K98 in Mannlicher style.

There Mr. Petrov, may I get a picture of your book?

Double guns and English Setters