Originally Posted By: Michael Petrov
For those who never had a 91-Mauser the workmanship was tops of any military Mauser IMO.

I agree. My second sporterization attempt was an 1891 long rifle from Century Arms in '62, I was 16 and it had 99.9% of the original blue except where the crest had been ground. I followed the mannlicher-style example shown in the Williams Gun Sight Co book How To Sporterize Military Rifles and it actually turned out rather well, considering.

I still have a couple of 1891 Loewe-made project actions including one with an absolutely brand new never-numbered & never-used NOS receiver with unground crest and 100% original creamy-smooth blue. I have never seen better workmanship on any military Mauser than on the 1891.
Regards, Joe

You can lead a man to logic but you can't make him think. NRA Life since 1976. God bless America!