
In response to my letter to Mr. Menefee of Polywad I received an email this morning:

No--I was out of town the end of November, and did not see note to call you, or anything related to what you just wrote here. Very sorry. Wish you had e-mailed me a note then.

Please give me a call at your convenience .

I will be here all week.


I appreciated the response although a phone number would have been handy to include or better yet, a phone call to me since I provided one in my note explaining the systemic problem across different lots.


I just called Mr. Menefee via phone and he explained that this is the first he'd heard of my issue. I stated that I wasn't looking for anything from him other than assurance that he understands that a defect exists. He casually offered me some shells (didn't specify how many)to which I explained I did not expect any because I used the shells and therefore have nothing to return to him.

Final outcome was that Polywad has stated they are going to call the distributor for the lot numbers again (I gave them the lot numbers but don't have the info anymore and neither do they). The distributor still has the remaining shells I split with them on the shelf so the lot numbers can be obtained and their product can be pulled from the shelves for replacement. I then gave Polywad the phone number of Polywad's distributor and the owner's name so they could follow up directly if they wish to do so.

I'll follow up next time I'm in Trout & Grouse and see if they were taken care of in this situation.

If Polywad takes care of their distributor and replaces their shells, I'll be tempted to give them another try. I wish Polywad would have responded before the 3rd inquiry. I wish Polywad would have taken the bulls by the horn and sent me a brand new case in November when I had the first misfire and still had product to exchange. Nonetheless, some care from their part shows good will.

I'm wondering if a company has 12 shells absent powder in a mixed case of different lots that they might have 1 shell in a case with double powder!

I think I'm going to go with B&P for awhile and see if I get any misfires with competing options. I hate to speak badly of a small business owner but my feeling of Polywad's response is neutral at this point.