
Im the same age and in the same boat! I have a feeling there are a few other young members and they just do what we do, sit quietly and learn. My excuse is I grew up in a gun shop so I was born with the bug. I too already have a singed copy of Mr. Petrov's book so hopefully someone new will speak up!

Originally Posted By: StormsGSP
I just turned 23, so I would be willing to bet that I am the youngest person on this forum.

I have had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Petrov several times before. Although I am not sure he remembers it, I have the signed book to prove it! There are several gentlemen on this forum who have greatly contributed to my love of fine guns. John Mann would be first on that list.

There are several reasons why I think there is a lack of younger folks on this board.
-Many of my friends are interested in firearms, but they have no desire to try to jump through all the necessary hoops to get a license, especially in MA.
-Black guns, pistols, tricked out long range guns etc. are popular now, through all age groups. People aren't interested in the old stuff.
-And most importantly, money. I graduated from college 8 months ago, I now have a good job and make good money, but I certainly couldn't say that for the first 22 years of my life. I was bitten by the bug and saved $$$ forever in hopes of finding a nice side by side. The day I forked over $800 to a gentlemen for a 16ga Fox Sterlingworth was a happy day. Even though I make a good living now, these guns are still very expensive. I'd really like a nice single shot, however given that I owe thousands in student loans, it is hard to justify extravagant purchases.

I'm not overly worried about the future of guns and gun collecting. I am sure that when I am 50, both fortunately and unfortunately, classic rifles and shotguns will still be selling for a hefty sum.