I also visited the FN Custom Shop @ 10 years ago as well as the factory. My son was working in Koln, Germany and while there to visit him I took the train one day to Liege. We have an FN factory here in Columbia, SC and that was my intro to get the tour. It was interesting seeing the Apprentice next to the Journeyman next to the Master at the bench. Also the finished gun room with guns that were made for Middle Eastern Potentates. In the factory were being made assault rifles, machine guns and hi-power pistols. There were buyer's representatives there with briefcased handcuffed to their wrists. I was told that much of the buying was done with cash, American Dollars.

Best Regards, George

To see my guns go to www.mylandco.com Select "SPORTING GUNS " My E-Mail palmettotreasure@aol.com