I noticed the rocker in the pad. Doesn't set flat on the floor for the old Look how some of them guns stick out farther than others game. Is there support for the idea that this may be the pad which gives the fullest contact with the shoulder pocket? Could it be that it mirrors human shoulder anatomy better than older and more conventional shapes? Many old stocks and buttplates on shotguns have the slight concave curvature of a crutch top (an attenuated tribute to 1873 Winchesters, Scheutzen rifles, and a lot of ancient stuff with nasty looking brass and steel "shoulder hooks"). Lots of pads are flat toe to heel but deeply radiused in the transverse (Old English Pachmyr), lots of plates and pads have had tranverse tread, presumably put there to encourage the butt sticking where it's placed. If there's a theory about the use and benefits of the rocker pad, please someone come forward and enlighten us.
