Originally Posted By: Oldfarmer
I am not too sure your theory on shooting clay targets with a .22 will result in 100% breaks holds water. OK - edge on perhaps - but i used to organised competitions at 25m with clay targets hung face forward on wire brackets and a large proportion of the time we just punched hole through them from memory perhaps 15 - 25% of the targets. We ended up with spotters with scopes to record hits. Using battue clays was better as they are more fragile - but still not 100% reliable.

I spoke of shooting hand thrown wooden blocks (per the turn of the century rage) with a .22. Not a big question over hits and misses. You need to read Dr. J's work on breaking targets; he has worked out probabilities of a break for various zones of the clay and various impact energies. Yes, the rim, with enough energy, is a higher % than the dome.