Originally Posted By: wyobirds
If one were to substitute card and fiber for 1-piece plastic wads with the same powder charge and shot weight what would you expect the differences to be for any given load?

It isn't that simple. Just as loading different brands/types of plastic wads changes performance, using fiber wads and cards of differing thicknesses, materials, and diameters will all effect pressure, velocity, and patterning differently.

There has been much debate about the merits of fiber wads vs plastic wads. For a time I made a point of researching it and I found just as many articles written in favor of one as in favor of the other. My personal experience is that well made ammunition with fiber wads performs the same as comparable ammunition loaded with plastic wads. I prefer shooting with fiber wads because they don't leave plastic residue in the barrels and they don't leave indestructible plastic wads littering the ground.

I am sure you can work up some loads with fiber wads that will meet your objective. But why don't you first try out some 16ga factory ammo loaded with fiber wads to see how you like them?
