[quote=eugene molloyPS as an afterthought ... the only spreader loads I've seen that actually worked had a cruciform insert running lengthwise in the shot charge. You might be able to buy them in the US. Alternatively you could spend the evenings cutting bits of cardboard into to shape and gluing them together. crazy [/quote]

Eugene thanks for the offer of the study but this little project is a non scientific test to see how much pattern improvement I can expect to achieve at normal hunting ranges by using a commercially available disc and post spreader device (Polywad Spred-R) commonly available here in the Colonies in my tightly choked 1880s vintage Lefever and 1920s vintage A H Fox. After shooting hundreds of roll crimped shells I have the feeling that there will be no improvement in pattern using folded crimp but since I'm going to the trouble of shooting a number of loads with a number of guns throwing in a couple folded crimped shells to validate my perception seems like a good idea.