Originally Posted By: Genelang
Originally Posted By: JayCee
As far as I'm concerned it is not the gun that is worthy of the blanks, it is the owner.

He is the one who shall appreciate a beautiful piece of wood, wherever he chooses to use it.

Is beauty ever out of place?


Yes, sometimes it is.

Beauty is totality of features. A woman can have beautiful feet (for example) and a plain face. Added up, you still have a plain woman. I don't see many plain women, but see plenty of plain guns. Dressing one feature up just emphasizes the plainess of the other.

...and here I thought an exemplerary feature or trait on a woman offset other features and raised the total. What do I know? Even though I've been mistaken for Pierce Brosnan often, I still can't shoot as well as that other guy Brad Pitt (a.k.a Amarillo Mike).