Originally Posted By: italiansxs
While I concur with the sentiment stated above I still think the heart of the issue is MONEY and CONTROL. Guess what? No Type 3 FFLs? Then everyone HAS to ship thru a Type 1 any firearm that isn't pre 1899.
From a Type 1 holders view there are NO advantages to Type 3 licenses to them.
Oh and BTW: Can anyone on this forum cite a specific instance where someone holding a Type 1 license was charge with anything by the BATF when involved in shipping a suitable firearm to a Type 3 licensee?
Is anyone on this board with a Type 3 license aware of an instance where the holder of this license was charged with any kind of illegal behavior involving sending or receiving suitable firearms?

That my friend is a great question !

I would love to know how jerrys dealer thinks eliminating 03 FFL's (and Kalif) is only a "small percentage" of his business"As he is does not take them how would he know ?

Hillary For Prison 2018