"I might feel the same way, VERY CAUTIOUS! Its quite easy for someone on this board to postulate on how someone else should run their business, and what level of risks they should take. I'm a banker, and we don't cash checks for non-customers."

First I do have a laugh at a banker-the same "profession" who brought us NINJA (No Income,No Job,Assets) loans talking about proper "risk".Kinda like a hooker worried about "promiscuity".
But I will not paint you with the same brush.

Next,could you or this "dealer" tell us what they feel is this extra risk in selling to a 03 FFL,as opposed to a 01 ?

I bet both of the dealers would trip over themselves fighting to buy any of our widows guns for 10% of their value and not care how they where shipped to or from their shop !

Also,just so your aware,there is no need to have a FFL involved when shipping a gun-only the receiver needs one.
I know your dealer friend has NO CLUE about the gun laws/"risk" but it might be helpful if you knew what they where and had on up on him !

Hillary For Prison 2018