Let me see if I understand all this. You buy a C&R eligible gun from someone. The seller is "Mr Cautious" and decides that even though you show them it's perfectly legal to ship the gun to you and send them a copy of your C&R license for shipment.
He takes the gun to his local 01 FFL along with a copy of your C&R. The 01 FFL then refuses to ship the gun to anyone other than another 01 FFL even though he'd knows it's perfectly legal to do so.
Let's see what this 01FFLs exact liability is inre. to his 01 License? He has to ship the gun to the named individual and address on the license. That is the requirement for C&R shipment and in doing so he has complied with the BATF regulations. What exactly could he do here to put himself or his license at risk by following these regulations to a T?
Any firearm I have shipped goes out with tracking and a "signature required" at the other end so I can verify it was delivered should ther ever be an issue(never happened to me).
Again "Just where does this 01FFLs liability kick in in the above tansaction?"
I am right back to my initial point it's all about Money and control on the part of some 01 FFL holders.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.