I would suggest a test case. One of us who have a C&R 03FFL is refused shipment of an eligible gun by an 01FFL.
File a formal complaint with the BATF.
Perhaps, the 01FFL holder will lose their license because they are too stupid to have one.
As I look at this it is funny. At the Honolulu Airport bars the bartender is required to "card" everybody. Even me with gray hair and a beard. No big deal, I just laugh at being "carded".
However, if they decided that they would't serve anybody younger than 60, and I don't meet that requirement quite yet, although I am quite over the legal age of 21 to purchase alcohol, can they do this?
Well, I suppose that they might get away with it, although it would be stupid from a business standpoint. I wonder what would happen if I sued on an age discrimentation basis if that were to happen?
I don't know how the BATF runs, but in most circumstances, failure to know the law, and comply with it, including the rights of an 03FFL holder, would result in penalties to those denying those those rights to those holding that license.

Last edited by DrBob; 03/26/11 02:32 AM.

Great-Great Grandson of D.M. Lefever