Originally Posted By: GunPlumber
Dave K:

I simply made an observation, and expressed my opinion. The last I checked, I still have that right.

Reviewing your posts and endless rants against licensees, it is you who have described them as "stupid", "ignorant", "lazy" and "greedy." Yet, you call me a coward for making the observation that you appear to be one-sided and have a bullying manner of "see things my way or you are an idiot."

There are plenty of folks on this board who know my background. I can tell you that I have seen many people get themselves in trouble based on their own interpretation of firearms law. I wish you the best and hope you find happiness with a dealer who will accomodate you.

GunPlumber, I called your post ("There is just no reasoning with someone afflicted with Napoleon syndrome") cowardly and stand by it !

Your the one with a "interpretation" of firearms laws and have as of yet not backed up any of the wrong "interpretations" you made that I challenged .
Note-NO "interpretations" on my part at all.I have posted links directly from the BATF site (and in the books-disk they send to license's,which I doubt you have even taken the time to read !

Have no idea of your back round,but so far your view of a discussion (well there where some "rants"-"View from the cheap seats" comes to mind ) of facts vs posts like " a C&R is not a FFL" does nothing to impress me.

If you have something you can back up in facts fine,why not post it?So far all I see is name cowardly name calling,and your "view" of what the rules are.
All your doing now is continuing to prove my point about lazy,ignorant and or greedy !

Hillary For Prison 2018