Well if that wasn't 9 pages of a sh-t storm and 30 min. of my life I will never get back!!! I like to ship FFL to FFL I don't care how old the gun is. My guy charges me the actual shipping cost no more going out and $5.00 for the background check coming in. I told mister gunstock man I wanted to go FFL to FFL right from the start. He just thought that his 03 was good enough for me to ship directly to him. My guy for what ever reason does not accept from an 03 it's his playpen he can do what he wants. I think that many people use the 03 ffl to get around the system and sooner or later the ones that are buying and selling on their 03 ffl's will get caught. All mister gunstock man had to do was ship his gun from an 01-ffl and give me an 01-ffl to ship mine to and this deal would have been done. He chose not to and the deal fell thru. What's the big deal I don't get it . He didn't get the gun and neither did I move on. I just purchased a gun from someone else on this site. He said he had an 03 -ffl I ask him if he could ship from an 01 he said fine I paid the difference it was my choice. Everbody has to do what they are comfortable with if your not then don't do it. Mister gunstock man started this rant and it really is a waste of time except I wondered how anyone even knew that the deal went south and how they even knew the deal was with me. At the very least I now know that PM is not what it means to him so I will assume that is how he runs his gunstock company also and I guess private is not really private to him. You know the BATF pays people to read these web sites and report what they read. I know this because I know a person that got a visit for something he wrote on a site like this. So becareful what you write it may come back a bite you.I'm done, this deal is so done you can stick it with a fork, and my dealings with mister gunstock man are finished also. ( you notice I never mentioned his name or handle as it should be)

Last edited by reddhott2; 03/27/11 11:23 AM.