Originally Posted By: Chuck H
From what I can find on the web, USRAC was taken over by FN way back in 1989.

Did USRAC/FN ever produce the M21? When did CSM get the drawings/tooling? From whom, FN or Olin?

I believe you are in error.
USRAC purchased the Winchster Plant from Olin and licensed the Winchester name in the 1980's. FN had no interest at that time that I know of.
The best I can figure is that USRAC decided that for whatever reason, money, management, that it could not finish the Model 21 orders that it had in house. At the end of Schwing's book he alludes to this with a statement issued by USRAC in 1990, " we are not accepting new orders" for a variety of reason listed. That coincides with the time frame that Tony personally told me in a face to face conversation that he had purchased the Model 21 tooling from USRAC.
After USRAC ceased, the entire former Winchester Plant was auctioned off and some years later FN got the rights to use the Winchester name on forearms produced in a totally different facility.-Dick

In any event whether the current 'Grand Royal' listed by CSMC was produced from an already existing Winchester branded gun or from a license from Olin, it is advertised as a Winchester Model 21 and not a Model 21.

Last edited by Dick_dup1; 04/17/11 11:13 AM.