Once the side plates on a Lefever are removed the stock can be removed. One doesn't need to remove the sears or any other parts to remove a Lefever stock.

I love my Parkers and Smiths but to remove a Parker stock one need to be careful and first remove the sears. Its not hard escept perhaps the first time I tried it! smile LC Smiths difficulty comes in reassembly. Once can learn to do it but it does take practice. Smith and Parker stock removal and assembly is 2 to 3 times harder than for Lefever.

The ease of servicing a Lefever is something the average gun owner should have found desirable. For me, after a day or two in the duck boat it sure is nice to easily check for moisture in the action!

PS: Something not functional about sideplates is that they provide engravers a lot of room to practice their trade.


Last edited by MarkOue; 04/30/11 06:30 AM.

USMC Retired