All right I'll submit to that you can call me a dreamer, a cockeyed optimist caught up in retracing a web of international intrigue centered around the sourcing of sporting weapons. Let's say Cap. Hicks did fork out over 8000 Austrian Schillings in Austria for the whole lot, purchased at different intervals and summed in one receipt. What did he do then, take it to Robert G. Owen and have R.G. Owen inlaid on top? He may have cottoned to Owen's name better than his??? Or maybe an order to Robert G. Owen was never shipped due to the war. Something is awry and the longarm is being peddled as an American completed longarm. I realize it is post wartime in a difficult period and odd things happened.

By the way, if you have any more of those "old shotguns" lying around I'd like to see the lot of them.

Kind Regards,
