Proceed with caution removing bulges. Awhile back I bought a set of ejector Fox barrels that had a bad bulge about 12" back from the muzzle of the right barrel. I worked for some time, slowly, removing it with a polished hammer and Mylar tape. I had it all nearly gone, except for that between the ribs, when the top rib popped loose from the incessant pecking near it. I removed the ribs and shipped the barrels to a good doublegun smith to finish removing the bulge, and relay the ribs. After finishing removing the bulge he found a crack where the bulge had been between the ribs.

So, I now have well over three hundred bucks in a set of useless Fox barrels. Oh well, I have some extra parts, and I learned a lesson. I won't mess with bulges that severe anymore. Dents are usually a piece of cake. Bad bulges, not.


May God bless America and those who defend her.