I can't stand it any more- I just have to jump in with both feet (possibly in mouth!) This thread is always hilarious! I love to see you guys getting so excited!

When I look at someone's double, without intent to shoot, I treat it very gently, and usually try to close holding the lever... except on those guns that have the lever that centers itself after opening. This is to show respect for someone's property.

When shooting, I close my gun(s) firmly without holding the lever- this is how I was taught, many moons ago, by my father, Right or wrong, this is how I do it. And, when shooting someone else's double, I also just close it firmly- whether out of habit (forgetfulness) or what I can't exactly say...

Now, when I operate a trombone shotgun, I almost do the same thing. When examining someone's, or cleaning mine, etc., I operate the action slowly-when I am shooting, I must admit I SLAM that slide-action around- I believe this is how the gun was designed to operate. See what kind of jams one gets when operating pumps gently (yes, I realise this is apples and oranges).

Here's another thought- when shooting dangerous game, or even driven birds, how gently does oneself or one's gun bearer shut that (matched pair?) double?

Another unsolicited opinion,