Peter, I invite comment and conjecture from sauerfan and anyone willing to chime in on the patent aspect. Do you know of any A&D use stamps on Belgian sporting weapons?

I did manage to spend some time today quizzing an attorney grounded in patents and wills on his dime. The end user/retailer Daly, who did make outlandish claims that sporting weapons were made in his factory in Suhl, is the one who would have expereinced the full brunt of the monopoly/policing power of the U.S. of A. filed patent protection of A&D in a U.S. of A. courtroom, had the royalty not been paid to A&D. Whether a patent, law, rule, covenant in a homeowner's association, the policing power is via the courts. These rules, etc. are predicated for the most part on 2 ideas: 1st almost all folks are law abiding citizens and that those who enforce are not corruptable. But Daly would have in turn attempted to sue H.A. Lindner on a very weak case across international waters in Germany, where more than likely an A&D patent was not filed. That's why there are those early boxlocks very similar to those of H.A. Lindner/Daly without the A&D use number. Today A&D would have sued all and H.A. Lindner would have been the defendent in 2 cases. For now I would guess that the connections of either August Heindrick Schoverling or Charles Daly both had extensive connections and could have brokered a deal with an entity in Liege who was dolling out A&D permission/use numbers. I wonder how one tracks those use numbers anyway. Would A&D records yield anything? So Schoverling & Daly arranged and probably paid H.A. Lindner to pay the permission/use royalty, which was forwarded on to A&D. The whole patent thing is a reason with high probability why Sauer didn't concentrate their efforts on an A&D boxlock and instead toyed with the psuedo-sidelock & sidelock models that were exported to the U.S. of A. I don't think Sauer offered an A&D boxlock till the mid to late 1890s which would have been just after the patent expired in Britian & the U.S. of A. I wonder if Sauer was reluctant to offer a Daly A&D or if H.A. Lindner had the Daly A&D market cornered? Oscar Will Venuswaffenwerk of Zella Sankt Blasii offered a similar A&D model about the same time and at least by 1902.

Kind Regards,
