Raimey, it appears Couchman was a representative of Anson and Deeley. His name appears on the June 22, 1876 contract with Westley Richards, allowing WR the use of the Patent for the sum of 15 shillings per gun.

Is it your thought that somewhere in the early 1880s the Westley Richards Co. acquired sole or all patent rights to the May 11, 1775 pat No. 1756 of Anson and Deeley ? In the later 1880s it appears Westley Richards was issuing Patent Use contracts to others such as Scott, Bentley and Playfair etc.

Yes, I think Couchman was listed as a surveyor. I am told they were the brightest people of the time.

Last edited by Daryl Hallquist; 07/12/11 01:56 PM.