The story of Schoverling, Daly & Gales permeates so, so many facets of weapons retailing that I don't know of anyone who knows the whole story and hopefully someone will pen an overview much like is needed on firms Auguste Francotte & Henri Pieper. In chasing the A&D Body Action it appears that Anson & Deeley were patrons of the arts at the very least and more than likely they, or their children, Edwin Anson(Hanson) & John Deeley the younger, were artists in their own rights. So let's begin with a little info on William Anson's(previously Hanson??) who was christened/baptisted on August 2, 1830 as the son of Edwin Hanson. I assume the event was shorlty after his birth so more than likely he was born in 1830 near Wolverhampton. William Anson(Hanson) had 11 children with one being William Westley Anson/Hanson who expired at the age of 23 after a decade of suffering with the infliction of epilepsy. So it would not be too much of a stretch to say that William Anson named a child after the Westley Richards firm for which he worked. There is speculation that both William Anson & John Deeley crossed the pond at least once in the 1880 - 1886 period. William Anson(Hanson)'s son Claude Alonso emigrated to Worcester, Massachusetts where he & his son Wilfred Anson worked for none other than Harrington & Richardson. Now I typed all the above just to set the stage for the following: Gilbert Henderson Harrington & William Augustus Richardson founded H&R in 1874 at 18 Manchester Street, Worcester, Massachusetts held the exclsuive U.S. of A. rights to manufacture the Body Action of A&D/Westley Richards from 1880(March 1st) to 1885(some sources give 1886 & 1887) when H&R decided to go with their revolver money making venture. So there's the Westley Richards - Harrington & Richardson connection. Now in 1881/1882, J. Palmer O'Neil & Company of 68 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. was the sole agent of Westley Richards(referenced as established in 1820) where are noted as investors and sole owners of A&D Body Action patent. During the same period H&R advertises that all their A&D Body Action scattererguns are inspected by Mr. Deeley. I think H&R tooled up to meet the rising demand for doubles for buck-shot. Later their scatterguns doubled as flare guns, but I digress. Also in 1882 Schoverling, Daly & Gales were "Sole Agents" for the Harrington & Richardson Body Action/A&D, inspected by Mr. Deeley, & the Daly Gun which was noted as the "Scott Action"/hammergun with Models 42, 53, 55, 60 and 100 which was the Diamond Quality. No hammerless Charles Daly import weapon was noted in this November 2nd, 1882 advertisement. I haven't seen any advert up to say 1883 where Schoverling, Daly & Gales peddled any other A&D Body Action scattergun other that the H&R(someone feel free to correct me.) Therefore, there was little reason for there to be a Charles Daly scattergun, which was almost always defined as an import gun, made on the Body Action until Schoverling, Daly & Gales fell out of love with Harrington & Richardson and just for arguments sake let's say that occurred in 1885. So Charles Daly had to be well associated with William Anson(Hanson) & John Deeley, and setting up a permission of use on the contient in the mid 1880s is not that much of a stretch. I'm sure I can conjure up much more if anyone is interested.

Kind Regards,
