Mr. Hallquist do you have any idea when the H&R-A&D/WR relationship was terminated? Just to make sure I understand, were the American makers using the WR or Scott Action as found on the George/H.A. Lindner/Sauer Charles Daly import hammerguns? Now I will note that there were Charles Daly hammerless import sporting weapons like the #98 that wears the Anson & Deeley Brevete stamp and based on the U.S. of A. A&D Body Action patent of 1876:

I contend that Charles Daly had made the rounds and after being rebuffed by the British makers for his Charles Daly import longarm and headed to Suhl, had made the many, many sourcing connections. SD&G just had their fingers in about every sporting weapons pie there was.

Kind Regards,
