Originally Posted By: ChiefAmungum

You have offered an opinion, (or two). I asked a question, (or two). As I said, I am not knocking a M21 or Win. If, in your opinion the M21 is what you want, great.

Answers anyone?


Very fair questions Chief.

The romance of any Winchester made before 1964 is it was American inginuity at its finest. Winchester Proof steel for its time was revolutionary, its really never been equaled. Recievers were made out of billets of forged steel, thrown in a machine and a person operated the machine, got greasey, dirty and grimey. Workers sometimes got fed up with management and went on strike. Winchesters and the 21 were OUR way of doing things, not the English way, not the Italian way, and for that matter not the Fox way.

Winchester was America's gun, something the average man could relate to and aspire to own, and the 21 was the top of the line. I can see ever-so-slight daylight between the barrel flats and the water table of the reciever on mine, but it lock up tight barrel-to-breech and keep on going every time. They are the opposite end of the world from any of my Purdeys, but I still love them. Every well worn and loved Winchester has a story to tell. Its like a Harley Davidson, if you have to explain, you wouldn't understand.

As for my RBL, you guys made me get it out of my case in its unfired state and look at it once again, you be the judge!! Tony needs to take care of this stock fitup, its gotten worse since I've owned it


-Clif Watkins