Originally Posted By: granby
...the main point I was making here (and, by all means, correct me if I'm wrong on this) is that SxS's made to accomodate the 3" shell by necessity have to be a good deal meatier than guns that were designed around the 2.5" or 2.75" shells...The result is typically, for production line guns, a gun that weighs in at, say, 1/2 lb more than necessary.

So my 5lb. 14oz. Bernardelli 20ga., chambered for 3" shells, is half a pound overweight? By the traditional formula (gun weight = 96 x shot weight), it's a couple of ounces light for the 1oz. loads I shoot for pheasant, and just a tad over for the 7/8oz. loads I use for grouse and woodcock. Hardly "meaty," granby.

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