Not sure about Ripon's, but Lord Walsingham's Purdeys were cylinder

The Field Oct. 20, 1888 A Shoot On The Moor by Thomas de Grey Walsingham

On August 30, when I killed 1,070 grouse to my own gun in the day, I shot with four breechloaders. No. 1, a gun made in 1866 by Purdey, subsequently converted from pin-fire to central principle, to which new barrels were made last year. Nos. 2 and 3, a pair of central fire breechloaders, made also by Purdey, about 1870, for which I have likewise had new barrels. No. 4, a new gun made by Purdey this year to match the two mentioned above, but with Whitworth steel instead of Damascus barrels. The guns are all 12 bore, with cylinder 30 in. barrels, not choked. My cartridges...contained 3 1/8 drs. Hall's Field B powder to 1 1/8 ozs. No 5 Derby shot...

Last edited by Drew Hause; 08/04/11 06:13 PM.