Mike, wish I could provide those dimensions on the Bland but I don't own it. As a matter of fact, I never did, which is why I wasn't able to recall the exact barrel length. I found the gun in a now defunct shop, New England Arms in Kittery Pt in southern Maine. I rangled with the manager of the shop for nearly three weeks and actually went back two more times. Unfortunately he wouldn't budge and wasn't interested in trading.

The gun in question was a boxlock ejector, st grip/splinter and, as I already mentioned, very light in both build and weight. Thomas Bland was a maker originally in Birmingham around 1840 but moved to London later on. They made both boxlocks and sidelocks and became famous for their "fowling" (as in waterfowling) pieces, so many of their guns were twelves. Or at least that's what I found most often in subsequent searches. I've been looking for another suitable twenty by this maker since then--and, naturally, at a bargain basement price. T. Bland is currently owned by Woodcock Hill, Inc located somewhere in Pennsylvania. Their website includes a history of the company; a google search of the maker name will bring you there and will also lead you to a number of guns currently/recently on the market.
