Dang. What a shame. I haven't talk to Mr. Mann in a long time, we used to exchange emails quite often and I even bought a few guns from him....I once posted a question on here concerning a single barrel trap gun for my little cousin who wanted to start shooting.....out of nowhere he offered to give her one of his coveted single barrel trap Lindners. This was a special gun, built for a teenage shooter. And when I mean give....I mean all I had to pay was the shipping...John just wanted to make the little girl happy. I even offered to buy the gun from him, but he declined, he didn't want the money, he wanted to bring happiness. I did not take him up on his offer but repeatedly told him what a gracious and giving man he was. I meant every word of it too. Rest in Peace John...God, you got a good one up there, but you probably knew that already.
