
You may wish to rescue a bird dog. There are many to choose from! Once you have selected the breed, get in touch with a rescue organization that rescues that breed. You can find a great dog this way and both of you will be richer for the experience.

Look in local papers etc. for dogs from homes that "did not work out" for various reasons. Go to uplandjournal.com and ask these questions. There is a very large pool of great dog owners on that site who can guide you. I would recommend that all hunters who hunt with dog(s) join this site! There is a poster known as Spinster who is constantly posting dogs for adoption. She may be able to find you what yoy want near to where you live. Try a local vet or shelter to see what you may find.

If you are very lucky, you may find a dog that is a mature dog tht is ready to hunt! It has "papers" house trained and trained to hunt. Keep looking until you find what you are looking for as it will be a great deal for both of you!

I will go out on a limb and say,"Rescue, do not buy."

Best of luck,
