If I see something that I want, or think that I want, I still buy it. Might be more likely to keep looking unless it is something that I have been looking for for a long time if the price is not very attractive. Over priced guns do not get a second look and we all know that the market is down, way down in some areas.

I just picked up a Lefever DS 20 from this board and then two sets of barrels to replace the heavily pitted ones. It was well described as a parts gun or project gun and it was fairly priced. Had it been 100-150 higher I would have passed and not looked back. Also picked up two .410 Cresent doubles to make into quail guns for preserve birds. Total for all three was not that much and Winter is coming.

Now is a good time to be buying if you have wants and cash in hand. Not a good time to be using the rent money, to buy a gun to sell at a profit in the short time frame. But there are some decent shooters out there that are being sold for not that much money. And when you get right down to it I have too many guns that I never get to shoot to buy a few more collectors. I am more into shooters these days. No more high grade closet queens or pristine guns. I rather buy three shooters and use them than one queen to hide away in the gun room.