The gun market here in the OC is distorted from the national norms (if there are any) by several things. One is our outstandingly stupid (even for gun laws) CA gun laws, which put a great premium on any gun that qualifies for C&R status or is a "legal antique." Prices on any decent example of anything that fits those categories are sky high, unless it is a Mosin-Nagant.

Another is that we have a relatively large number of buyers whose affluence was only marginally affected by the national depression. They are merely somewhat "less rich."

Many of them are pretty sharp about buying guns, even those that are new to the field--they GOT rich by being sharp. Sadly, many others got rich by inheritance or lucky timing of the various CA bubbles, and will pay what is asked for a toy they want. And the dealers are happy to oblige, so prices on any "classy" firearm stay up. Some of them buy guns as an investment which makes no sense at current prices in the area, although it might elsewhere. Only a very small fraction of OC gun buyers are hunters; slightly more are shooters.

I suspect that if one went 75 miles east of the Left Coast, one would find a whole different situation in the "Other California." asking prices in those areas tend to confirm that suspicion. And only the relatively sophisticated sellers put their guns on that site.

Just my impressions. I haven't altered my buying patterns--I'm still cheap and buy only used guns, usually ones that have some fixable flaw that knocks their price down.

My age does affect my buying; at 68 I'm not planning any big game hunting any more. Last deer I drug out of the woods, I almost laid down beside the deerly departed....