Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Gnomon
The rear trigger should be a bit greater, say by about a half-pound.

Please explain why you think that is important.

I've read that as long as I remember and can make no sense of it whatsoever. If it is so that the trigger finger can move to the rear trigger safely, without setting it off, it assumes that the front trigger will always be fired first, which flies in the face of the argument for double triggers to begin with. If it is supposed to be because the recoil from the right barrel will not jar the sear out of bent, then the geometry of the sear and notch is wrong. A trigger pull that is safe on the right trigger can be duplicated on the left and be perfectly capable of withstanding severe recoil without going off.


I have heard this as long as I remember, too and I have all my triggers set this way. For the type of shooting I do, the birds are mostly going away from me and I indeed generally shoot the right barrel first. But sometimes I do shoot the left first. This does not negate the argument for double triggers.

Maybe it's just convention but it's also what I have gotten used to over the decades and it feels funny otherwise.

That might be as good a reason as any.