Well the weather man got it right. On Friday it rained and rained and rained at Pintail Point. There was a little break in the rain at Pintail Point on Friday afternoon and a little shooting got done. On Saturday morning when we returned to Pintail Point to try to shoot Ray P. and Jack D. had the road blocked and required us to park over 1000 yards away from the tents. The 2 wheel drive cars had all, yes all, gotten stuck in the normal parking spots on the grass near the tents on Friday evening. The normal grass parking spots had been cut up by the 2 wheel drive cars and turned in to mud ruts. Now half of us attending Pintail Point have 4 wheel drive pickup trucks or 4 wheel drive SUVs and we could have parked near the tents with no problem but Ray wanted to treat us all equally so we were all punished equally and forced to park 1000 yards away on Saturday. This was not a good start to the day. It was still raining on Saturday morning but not as hard as it had on Friday. By 10:00 a.m. on Saturday the rain had stopped and no rain fell the rest of the day. The shooters had fairly good shooting conditions on Saturday afternoon. The number of vendors and dealers attending The Vintage Cup at Pintail Point was way way down this year. For the few of us there we did make the best of it. Just about everybody was wet on Friday and the rain was so heavy it was coming through the tent in places. The few gun dealers there were constantly wiping down there guns with oil cloths and paper towels trying their best to keep them dry. This years Vintage Cup will go down as the second worst for weather and rain. There was actually a worse one in New York one year. For those of you that cancelled and stayed home this year, you made a good decision. Jent