I'm one of those guys that prefer the Brownell "full view" handles and I use either Gunline or Brownell checkering tips. I really don't believe that the brand of tool makes much difference its how you use it. Where have you heard that before!

I also have a Doiron electric checkering machine but it's not what most guys will be using so I don't think its worth discussing other than its a BEAST and has a learning curve.

IMHO, the most important item that you can have is a checkering cradle to hold your work in. I've made my own for probably less than $10. I know a lot of people say that they use sand bags etc to hold their work - well God bless'em. I'm going to post a picture of some checkering with fleurs and ribbons in it that, IMHO, needed both of my hands free to work and have a really solid base to hold the stock.

To layout a pattern, I use a china marker and draw the pattern right on the wood. If it needs some changes i just wipe off the mark and redraw. I've made my own diamond layouts in both 3:1 and 3 1/2:1 ratio. You'll also find that a small viener chisel (Dembart makes them) is invaluable in laying out your pattern and cutting diamonds close to your border.

What did I forget?


Last edited by Doug Mann; 02/08/07 09:34 PM.

Doug Mann